Hi Stampers!
I want to pass along some very important information about the colors that will be retiring at the end of June. Please read the message below. If you have any questions please CONTACT ME. Thanks!A Message from Shelli about Color
May 10, 2010As many of you are aware, we are dealing with a significant backorder problem with our discontinuing colors. I wanted to do a little explaining-as well as a lot of apologizing-for this situation, and try to clarify how we've arrived at the decisions we've made.
First and foremost, I am sorry. In anticipation of the colors retiring, we did extensive studies and research (going back to the previous color changes, looking at purchasing trends over several years, considering current buying behaviors, etc.) to forecast the expected demand through a date that we felt we could honor for filling orders on discontinued colors.
We knew there would be a significant spike in the demand for these discontinued colors and planned accordingly. But, we were way off. I don't say that casually; I don't say that flippantly. I am stating a fact. Based on the inventory we had on hand, we felt very comfortable telling you that we would be able to fill orders for these products through the end of May. We grossly underestimated (in some cases, the demand was four times higher than what we expected) the desire that you and your customers would have for these colors, and I am so sorry.
We saw several products nearing backorder status several weeks ago, and actually placed additional orders for these products. Last week, we realized that the situation for even more products was nearing back-order status and in some cases, item numbers were turned off. We have had employees on the phone almost nonstop with our vendors and we've met for hours trying to find solutions.
The decision is not strictly a financial one; I have always been committed to doing what is right for you. If it were simply a matter of placing additional orders for these products and taking a financial hit, the decision would be made. I would do that in a heartbeat to make this right.
The situation is more complex than that. The main problem is that, if we place orders for the discontinuing products, we run the risk of postponing product production of our new colors. To begin the new Stampin' Up! year without inventory on our new colors would be tragic. On the other hand, not having inventory on hand to fill orders for our discontinued products through the time period we stated is also tragic. But we can't do both.
After careful consideration of all options, we made a decision, which we announced on May 5. (Click here to read that complete message.) We determined that our highest priority is to have product on hand for our new colors. We also committed to filling as many orders as possible for discontinuing products. We will do this by 1) substituting textured card stock for smooth card stock in cases where we run out of smooth, and 2) continuing to place orders for other discontinuing items such as inks and markers in backorder status and work with our vendors to fill those orders. Some backorders may take weeks to fill, but they will get filled.
You may be asking, "Will we be able to fill all orders?" No-and again, I am so sorry. But currently we believe we can fill the vast majority of them. As long as an item number is on in OEX, we are planning on filling it, even though it may be in back order status. In some cases, we will turn an item number off if we reach a point when it is absolutely unavailable and there are no other viable options.
Do we understand what this does to you? I believe so. We have several employees who are demonstrators; we have many others who are as deeply committed to you as they can be. I know many of you have shed tears over this situation, and I want to assure you that many of us have as well. For me, there have been few situations that have been more troubling, more painful, than this one-primarily because we made a commitment that we are having a difficult time honoring.
Once again, I'm sorry. I thank you for all you do for Stampin' Up! and want to reiterate our commitment and dedication to you. We will do all we can to make this as right as we can.

Here is the most current backorder report:
You can currently order the following items, and they will begin shipping the week of May 10, 2010.
103318: Blush Blossom card stock (8-1/2" x 11")
107082: Blush Blossom card stock (12" x 12")
You can currently order the following items, and they will begin shipping the week of May 17, 2010.
100614: Blush Blossom Classic Stampin' Ink refill
100661: Really Rust card stock (8-1/2" x 11")
100685: Really Rust Classic Stampin' Ink refill
100721: Brilliant Blue card stock (8-1/2" x 11")
100862: Lavender Lace Classic Stampin' Ink refill
101268: Pale Plum Classic Stampin' Ink refill
101483: Gable Green Classic Stampin' Ink refill
101735: Green Galore Classic Stampin' Ink refill
102158: Almost Amethyst card stock (8-1/2" x 11")
102444: Close to Cocoa Classic Stampin' Ink refill
103077: Lovely Lilac Classic Stampin' Ink refill
105227: Handsome Hunter Classic Stampin' Ink refill
105554: Bold Brights Classic Stampin' Ink refill
105555: Earth Elements Classic Stampin' Ink refill
105556: Rich Regals Classic Stampin' Ink refill
105557: Soft Subtles Classic Stampin' Ink refill
107098: Cameo Coral card stock (12" x 12")
117335: Perfect Polka Dots Textured Impressions embossing folder
118073: Extra Large Fancy Flower punch
You can currently order the following item, and it will begin shipping the week of May 24, 2010.
118138: Beautiful Wings Embosslits die
You can currently order the following items, and they will begin shipping the week of May 31, 2010.
102898: Mellow Moss card stock (8-1/2" x 11")
106548: Mellow Moss card stock (12" x 12")
You can currently order the following items, but a shipping date has not yet been determined. We will let you know as soon as we have that information.
100037: Blush Blossom Stampin' Write marker100043: Almost Amethyst Stampin' Write marker
100072: Close to Cocoa Stampin' Write marker
100427: Lovely Lilac card stock (8-1/2" x 11")
100639: Barely Banana Classic Stampin' Ink refill
101478: Creamy Caramel Classic Stampin' Ink refill
101563: Sage Shadow card stock (8-1/2" x 11")
101986: Yoyo Yellow Classic Stampin' Ink refill
102514: Creamy Caramel card stock (8-1/2" x 11")
102521: Going Gray Classic Stampin' Ink refill
102580: Almost Amethyst Classic Stampin' Ink refill
105440: Rich Regals Craft Stampin' Ink refill
105441: Soft Subtles Craft Stampin' Ink refill
105442: Earth Elements Craft Stampin' Ink refill
105443: Bold Brights Craft Stampin' Ink refill
106534: Handsome Hunter card stock (12" x 12")
106536: Creamy Caramel card stock (12" x 12")
107079: Sage Shadow card stock (12" x 12")
107101: Close to Cocoa card stock (12" x 12")
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